Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Regarding OTTO Campaign

Solidarity Campaign! Please send emails using the form on the page

Situation of Injured Worker on Sick Leave

Maciej was injured on the job while working in Belgium through OTTO Workforce. He was supposed to be covered by Dutch insurance, since he was working through a Dutch company and living in Holland and this insurance should then be transferred and valid in Poland. But the company had informed the Dutch insurer that Maciej was no longer an employee the day after he went on sick leave and, when he returned to Poland, he found he was not insured, had medical bills and was not getting paid for sick leave.

Thanks to our intervention, Maciej received some payment and is getting his medical bills covered. But the situation is not too good now.

Monday, May 16, 2011


Leaflet for informational action before the beginning of the Week against Borders and Deportations.

Throughout Europe, the ugly head of anti-immigrant politics is again showing its face. People fleeing war, poverty, political persecution and ecological catastrophe find it more and more difficult to escape, imprisoned by States in national borders. Some European countries like France or Holland even make policies to deport EU citizens, exposing the real nature of the EU's supposed “freedom of movement”; it is not really for everybody. The real freedom is for capital and all that serves it.

While Poles go abroad to work, sometimes being exposed to poor, precarious working conditions, local businesspeople import more and more workers to Poland as a new, cheaper and easier to control workforce. Often they do not enjoy the same conditions as Poles, they are discriminated against and have many of their basic rights violated. And these are the LEGALLY EMPLOYED. The situation of the many immigrants forced to work in the black economy can be much, much worse.

ZSP stands in solidarity with workers, people who are just trying to make their living and survive. We understand that workers are forced to compete against each other by the system that makes the desperate agree to take as little as possible in order to survive.

Sometimes this causes people to go against people just like themselves, which is much easier than going against what the real problems are - capitalism, exploitation and the State. We call on workers to unite and organize, regardless of country of origin, to defend their rights, improve working conditions and build organizations to overthrow this exploitative system and organize for workers' self-management.

We also call for the end of the policing and hunting of immigrants and the closure of Frontex, immigrant catching and migration control agency, headquartered in Warsaw. For freedom of movement, but against the misery which is often the real story behind immigration. Against the artificial borders that divide people! Solidarity and mutual aid between people, throughout the world, against oppression and exploitation!

Friday, May 13, 2011

CNT Extremadura seguirá apoyando a los jornaleros de Campo Arañuelo

CNT-Extremadura sigue apoyando a los jornaleros inmigrantes
Condena la actitud antidemocrática de la Subdelegación de Gobierno

CNT Extremadura informa de que seguirá apoyando la lucha de los jornaleros de origen marroquí de Campo Arañuelo, vulnerados en derechos tanto sindicales como fundamentales, al obligarles a justificar 800 euros de ingresos netos por trabajador e hijo para permanecer en el Estado español.

Dichos trabajadores llegaron a España en la década de los 90, donde se establecieron en la zona de Campo Arañuelo, desarrollando actividades laborales en la recogida del tabaco, y contribuyendo a la repoblación del campo extremeño devolviendo la vitalidad a diversas localidades, a la par que enraizaron en nuestra comunidad con la escolarización de sus hijos, todo ello en situación armónica con los habitantes autóctonos.

La aplicación del nuevo Reglamento de Extranjería supone un ataque frontal a sus derechos fundamentales como personas y trabajadores, pues les solicitan condiciones financieras inasumibles para un trabajador medio, mucho menos para trabajadores manuales que devengan 25 euros al día por el jornal en el campo.

Deportation in den Himmel

Bei den anhalten Konflikten mit dem Flugpersonal hat sich British Airways in den letzten Jahren einen schlechten Namen durch die gezielte Benachteiligung von GewerkschafterInnen (engl.: union busting) gemacht. Doch das Bild des Unternehmen verfinstert sich noch mehr, wenn mensch bedenkt, dass die kommerziellen Flüge von British Airways für die Abschiebung von MigrantInnen genutzt werden. Jimmy Mubenga wurde dabei am 12. Oktober 2010 bei seiner Abschiebung von Heathrow nach Luanda in Angola auf dem British Airways Flug 77 von drei Angestellten der Sicherheitsfirma G4S getötet.

Seit dem Tod von Jimmy Mubenga kam heraus, dass G4S immer wieder Warnungen des Flugpersonals wegen lebensgefährlicher Situationen ignoriert. Selbst die Sicherheitsleute sagen, sie hätten die Unternehmensleitung bereits wegen einer Technik mit dem Spitznamen "Teppich Karaoke" gewarnt, bei dem die Abzuschiebenden nach vorne gebeugt am Flugzeugsitz festgebunden werden. Sie hatten ihre Einwände sogar der Polizei, einem lokalen Unterhausmitglied und dem Innenministerium mitgeteilt, da sie die Ignoranz der Unternehmensleitung störte. Es kam vor, dass GAS Mitarbeiter finanziell bestraft wurden, wenn sie nicht in der Lage waren die Deportierten zur Ruhe zu bringen, woraufhin Piloten sich weigerten los zufliegen.

Deportation in the Sky

In recent years British Airways has gained a reputation for union busting in its continuing dispute with cabin crew. However, its image has been further tarnished for allowing forcible deportation on its commercial flights, most notably when, on 12th October 2010, Jimmy Mubenga was killed by three security guards from G4S while being deported on British Airways flight 77 from Heathrow to Luanda in Angola.

Since the death of Jimmy Mubenga it has emerged that G4S repeatedly ignored warnings from staff that potentially lethal force was being used against deportees. They said executives were warned about one technique nicknamed "carpet karaoke'', which involved bending deportees over in aircraft seats to silence them. Frustrated that their complaints were not being listened to, some G4S guards took to writing to police, a local MP and the Home Office warning of the dangers of positional asphyxia from the use of "carpet karaoke". It also emerged that G4S financially penalised guards who were unable to restrain deportees, leading to pilots refusing to allow the detainees to travel.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

FAU-IWA Supports Polish Workers Against Wage Theft!

Along the Low Rhine river, in Germany's outer West and adjacent to the Netherlands, thousands of workers from Poland work under precarious conditions in agriculture and gardening. They get cheated on their wage very often, but sometimes they fight back. The  Free Worker's Union (Ger.: Freie Arbeiterinnen- und Arbeiter Union, FAU) does actually practice anarchosyndicalist solidarity with them and thereby demonstrates that borders play no role at all. FAU is the German section of the International Workers Association (IWA).

Gardening and agriculture along the Low Rhine is unthinkable without Polish workers. Their harvest and plant-breeding work is badly paid so that companies hardly employ residents. Yet, finding a job in agriculture and gardening farer away from there, e.g. in Kleve or Borken, does not automatically imply better working conditions. Sometimes you simply do not know if you get paid in time or if you receive your money at all. Some weeks ago, employees from Grenzland Produktions- und Handels GmbH asked FAU for support because the company owes them money. Polish workers contacted the union because they have heard about FAU's support for Polish workers last year.

FAU Münsterland talked to the employees who work in Rhede (Borken county) and learned about more than a dozen of Polish and German Grenzland workers claiming back wages up to several thousand Euros sometimes.

Monday, May 2, 2011

El “buen nombre” del Servicio de Extranjería y Fronteras

-Un informe sobre el juicio contra activistas sociales de Oporto por difamación del SEF

Tras un largo proceso de más de cuatro años, cuatro activistas sociales de Oporto, acusados de difamación por el Servicio de Extranjería y Fronteras portugués (SEF), fueron absueltos en octubre de 2010. El caso data de 2006, cuando se generó un amplio movimiento de denuncia e indignación, asignando al SEF la responsabilidad moral de la muerte de Ahmed Hussein, un trabajador pakistaní que se suicidó tras habérsele rehusado el permiso de residencia en Portugal. Entre los activistas victimizados por este juicio se encontraba un miembro del grupo local de la AIT-SP (Asociación Internacional de los Trabajadores – Sección Portuguesa)

Portugalia: Działacze na rzecz praw imigrantów uniewinnieni z zarzutu "zniesławienia" Straży Granicznej

Pod długim procesie, który trwał cztery lata, czterech aktywistów z Porto w Portugalii, oskarżonych o zniesławienie przez portugalską Straż Graniczną (SEF) zostało uniewinnionych. Sprawa zaczęła się w 2006 r., gdy Straż Graniczna została obarczona odpowiedzialnością za doprowadzenie do śmierci Ahmeda Husseina, pracownika z Pakistanu, który popełnił samobójstwo, gdy odmówiono mu prawa pobytu w Portugalii. Jedną z osób, która została oskarżona o zniesławienie Straży Granicznej, był członek portugalskiej sekcji MSP.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The “good name” of the Foreigners and Borders Service

,A report about the trial against social activists from Oporto for defamation of the SEF.

After a long process of over four years, four social activists from Oporto, accused of defamation by the Portuguese Foreigners and Borders Service (SEF), were acquitted in October 2010. The case dates back to 2006, when a large movement of denunciation and indignation was generated, assigning to the SEF the moral responsibility for the death of Ahmed Hussein, a Pakistani worker who committed suicide after his residence permit in Portugal was refused. Among the activists victimized by this trial was a member of the local group of AIT-SP (International Workers Association – Portuguese Section).

Protest in Banská Bystrica: Another red card for OTTO Workforce agency

On Wednesday, 20th April, Priama akcia organized a protest against the practices of OTTO Workforce. The office in Banská Bystrica was visited by almost a dozen activists. We wanted to express solidarity with the workers who have been cheated by the agency. With this action, Priama akcia also joined the IWA Days of Struggle against Borders and in Solidarity with Immigrant Workers.

We informed the journalists from TA3 and Radio Regina (you can read the article Watch Out for Temporary Work Agencies in Slovak here) present at the protest about the reasons of our action, and then we proceeded to the agency office where we hung a banner.

The office manager reacted to our action in a very bizarre way. She refused to accept the red card with the campaign demands in Slovak and English language so we left it on the table and stressed that we would inform the owner of the agency, Frank van Gool, about the protest. She also forbade the camerawoman from TA3 to film during the action, told the reporter that he could only get a statement from the Dutch management of the company, and lied that this is only possible in Dutch language. When one of us took a picture of the activists in the room (not her or the employees), she told him to delete the photo, which he refused. Then she pulled out her cellphone and pretended to call the police. The funniest part of her telephone conversation was when she said: “Police? Agency OTTO, Horná 21, I would like to report an unauthorized meeting, we are under attack from direct action.” (Just to clarify things to Ms. Manager: first, there is no such thing as “unauthorized meeting” in any law; second, if standing in the office and handing over a protest letter seems like “attacking” to you, you must have a very strong imagination.) By then we were leaving anyway. The red card was left in the office and we emphasized that this was not the last time we saw each other.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Acciones informativas del 23 al 25 de Abril

ZSP organiza acciones informativas para trabajadores inmigrantes en las dos últimas semanas de abril. En los días 23-25 de abril, ha previsto visitas a huertos frutales, mercados y obras de construcción donde trabajan en su mayoría trabajadores inmigrantes, incluidas empresas que son conocidas por sus prácticas abusivas. Con estas acciones, ZSP espera tanto exponer el tema a un público más amplio (ya que es poco discutido en Polonia, donde este trabajo sigue siendo en parte invisible) como ayudar a informar a los trabajadores de sus derechos, qué pueden hacer si no se cumplen y animarles a organizarse!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Jornadas Contra las Fronteras

Contra el Capitalismo y el Estado, Viva la Solidaridad Internacional

Del 16 al 23 de mayo en Varsovia, organizamos eventos en contra de las fronteras, a favor de la solidaridad internacional. Nuestro objetivo es difundir la idea de que la existencia de fronteras y la lógica del nacionalismo nos mantienen divididos. Como trabajadores mucho puede venir determinado por el lugar donde vivimos o de donde venimos. El sistema nos obliga a competir, en vez de unirnos en la lucha.

Los actos programados incluyen proyecciones de películas, debates, reuniones, conferencias, actividades y espectáculos callejeros y una manifestación ante la sede de Frontex, la agencia Europea de control de fronteras.

ZSP va a organizar varios debates y coloquios, incluyendo los siguientes temas: Control de la Inmigración y los Mercados Laborales de Europa, La situación de los Trabajadores Inmigrantes en Polonia, la Organización de Trabajadores Inmigrantes y la Política de Inmigración de la UE y Libia.

Las jornadas son co-organizadas con el colectivo RAS (Acción Radical


Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Dni antygraniczne

Przeciw kapitalizmowi i rządom, niech żyje solidarność międzynarodowa!

16 do 23 maja ZSP organizuje różne wydarzenia przeciw granicom na rzecz solidarności międzynadowej. Chcemy propagować pomyśl, że istnienie granic i logika nacjonalizmu dzieli nas. Dla pracowników wiele decyduje ich miejsce zamieszkania czy pochodzenia, co tworzy konkurencję wsród nas, gdy my powinni walczyć razem.

W dniach antygranicznych są zaplanowane filmy, dyskusje, spotkania, wydarzenia uliczne oraz demonstracja przeciw Frontexowi, unijna agencja graniczna.

ZSP zorganizuje konferencje i wyklady i dyskuje na tematy: Kontrol imigrantów i rynek pracy w Europie, Sytuacja pracowników cudzoziemców w Polsce, Organizacja imigrantów pracowników i UE i polityka imigracyjny w Libii.

Wydarzenia organizujemy razem z kolektywą RAS .

Więcej informacji:

Tage gegen Grenzen

Gegen Kapitalismus und Staat, lang lebe die internationale Solidarität!

Vom 16. bis 23. Mai organisiert die ZSP Warschau verschiedene Veranstaltungen gegen Grenzen als Zeichen der internationalen Solidarität. Es soll vermittelt werden, dass die Existenz von Grenzen und die Logik des Nationalismus uns voneinander trennt. Für ArbeiterInnen hängt viel davon ab wo man lebt oder herkommt. Das System zwingt uns zum Vergleich, anstelle des gemeinsamen Kampfes.

Zu den geplanten Veranstaltungen zählen Filmvorführungen, Diskussionen, Treffen, Lesungen, öffentliche Treffen und eine Demonstration gegen FRONTEX, die europäische Grenzpolizei.

Für die Diskussionen und Veranstaltungen sind verschiedene Themen geplant: Migrationskontrolle und der Arbeitsmarkt in Europa, die Situation ausländischer ArbeiterInnen in Polen, Organisation von Immigranten auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, sowie die EU Immigrationspolitik und Lybien.

Die Veranstaltungen werden mit dem Kollektiv RAS zusammen ausgerichtet.

Für mehr Information, siehe:

Dias contra as Fronteiras

Contra o Capitalismo e o Estado, Viva a Solidariedade Internacional

De 16 a 23 de maio em Varsóvia, nós iremos organizar eventos contra as fronteiras, a favor da solidariedade internacional. Nós objetivamos espalhar a ideia de que a existência de fronteiras e a lógica do nacionalismo nos mantém divididas/os. Como trabalhadoras/es muito é determinado por onde vivemos, ou de onde viemos. O sistema nos está forçando a competir, ao invés de nos unirmos em nossa luta.

Os eventos planejados incluem exibição de filmes, discussões, reuniões, palestras, assembleias de rua e uma manifestação na sede da Frontex, a agência de fronteira da União Europeia.

A ZSP planeja organizar diversas discussões e painéis, incluindo os seguintes tópicos: Controle de Migração e os Mercados de Trabalho na Europa, a Situação dos/as Trabalhadores/as Imigrantes na Polônia, Organização do Trabalho Imigrante e a Política de Imigração da UE e a Líbia.

Os Dias estão sendo organizados com o coletivo RAS (Ação de Solidariedade Radical).


Monday, April 11, 2011

Informational Actions April 23-25

ZSP is organizing informational actions for immigrant workers in the last two weeks of April. On the days 23-25 of April, visits are planned to fruit orchards, wholesale markets and construction sites where there are predominantly immigrant workers, including places which are known for their abusive practices. With these actions, ZSP hopes to both expose the topic to a wider audience (as it is little discussed in Poland, where this labour remains partly invisible) and to help inform workers of their rights, what they can do if they are violated and encourage them to organize!

Days Against Borders

Against Capitalism and the State, Long Live International Solidarity!

May 16-23 in Warsaw, we are organizing events against the borders, in favour of international solidarity. We aim to spread the idea that the existence of borders and the logic of nationalism keeps us divided. As workers much is determined by where we live, or where we come from. The system is forcing us to compete, instead of unite in our struggle.

The events planned include film screenings, discussions, meetings, lectures, streets meetings and a demonstration at the headquarters of Frontex, the EU border agency.

ZSP plans to organize several discussions and panels, including the following topics: Migration Control and the Labour Markets of Europe, the Situation of Immigrant Workers in Poland, Immigrant Labour Organizing and EU immigration policy and Libya.

The days are co-organized with the collective RAS (Radical Solidarity Action).


Saturday, April 9, 2011

Gegen den Mißbrauch von ArbeiterInnen bei OTTO-Workforce!

Wie OTTO-Workforce mit verletzten ArbeiterInnen umgeht.

Neue Aktionen gegen OTTO-Workforce sind geplant. Zusätzlich zu den bisherigen Forderungen gegen die Ausbeutung von ZeitarbeiterInnen, stellt sich die Frage nach der Behandlung verletzter ArbeiterInnen. M., der in den Niederlanden Waren ausgeladen hatte, verletzte sich währenddessen sehr schwer, so dass er krank geschrieben war. OTTO-Workforce verweigerte Lohnfortzahlung im Krankheitsfall und ließ ihm mitteilen, dass sie für ihn keine weitere Beschäftigung hat.

Friday, April 8, 2011

How OTTO Treats Injured Workers

New actions are planned at OTTO Workforce. In addition to previous demands against abuse of temporary workers, we raise the question of the treatment of injured workers. M., who was working in Holland loading goods, sustained a serious injury related to this work. He has been on sick leave. The company has not paid him any money during this time and has said that it will not have any other work for him.

The worker is not able to get any answers from the company, which also refuses to send him anything in writing or even give him the emails of people responsible for claims.

OTTO has claimed to journalists investigating their treatment of workers that claims that they do not always pay for sick leave are unfounded. Yet at the same time, this man, injured on the job, gets absolutely no financial support, is told there is no different work for him and is brushed off when trying to ask about his payment from the company! This is totally unacceptable! No tolerance for labour abuse! OTTO workforce – pay this sick leave and appropriate compensation! New jobs for workers who cannot perform their old ones due to industrial accidents! Better safety and work conditions on the job now!

Cómo OTTO trata a los trabajadores que sufren acidentes laborales

Nuevas acciones están previstas contra las practicas antiobreras de OTTO Workforce. Además de las demandas anteriores contra el abuso de los trabajadores temporales, se plantea la cuestión del trato hacia los trabajadores lesionados. M., que estaba trabajando con cargas en Holanda, sufrió una lesión grave relacionada con este trabajo. Él ha estado de baja. La empresa no le ha pagado ningún dinero durante ese tiempo y ha dicho que no tendrá ningún otro trabajo para él.
El compañero no puede obtener ninguna respuesta de la empresa, que se niega también a enviar nada por escrito o incluso darle los correos electrónicos de las personas responsables de las reclamaciones.

OTTO ha afirmado a los periodistas que investigan el trato hacia los trabajadores que las afirmaciones de que la empresa no siempre paga las bajas carecen de fundamento. Sin embargo, al mismo tiempo, este hombre, herido en el trabajo, no recibe ninguna ayuda financiera, le dicen que no hay un trabajo diferente para él y le dan largas cuando trata de preguntar acerca del pago de su baja! Esto es totalmente inaceptable! No toleramos para el abuso laboral! OTTO Workforce - paga la baja y una compensación adecuada! Nuevos puestos de trabajo para los trabajadores que no pueden realizar los viejos debido a accidentes laborales! Mejores medidas de seguridad y condiciones de trabajo ya!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Internationaler anarchosyndikalistischer Kampftag gegen Grenzen in Solidarität mit ausländischen ArbeiterInnen

Auf dem 24. Kongress der IAA wurde auf einen Vorschlag der AIT Portugal hin, eine internationale anarchosyndikalistische Kampagne gegen Grenzen aus Solidarität mit ausländischen ArbeiterInnen, beschlossen. Der Zeitraum dieser Kampagne umfasst die zwei Wochen vor dem 1. Mai.

Wir zitieren aus der Entscheidung: "Grenzprobleme und Xenophobie sind Waffen des Staates, des Kapitals und PolitikerInnen verschiedener Couleur, um die ArbeiterInnenbewegung aufzuspalten und die wahren Hintergründe sich verschlechternder Arbeitsbedingungen zu verschleiern. Es ist die Aufgabe einer internationalen Organisation revolutionärer internationaler ArbeiterInnen, die Solidarität unter den ArbeiterInnen zu fördern, ob „national" oder nicht.

Besonders in der "Festung Europa", wo sich die meisten Sektionen der IAA befinden, sind die Probleme mit Xenophobie, Rassismus, Grenzschließungen für ArbeiterInnen während das Kapital keine Grenzen kennt, Herausbildung einer illegalen und sekundären Arbeiterklasse und die Inhaftierung von Immigranten und Flüchtlingen, zu jeder Zeit präsent.

Dias Internacionais de Luta Anarcossindicalista contra as fronteiras e em solidariedade com trabalhadores/as imigrantes

O 24º Congresso da AIT decidiu (após uma proposta da AIT Portugal) que as Seções da AIT se mobilizassem para desenvolver durante as duas semanas antes do Primeiro de Maio de 2011 uma campanha anarcossindicalista internacional contra as fronteiras internacionais e em solidariedade com trabalhadores/as imigrantes.

Nós apresentamos uma citação da decisão:

Os problemas das fronteiras e da xenofobia são armas que o Estado, o Capital e os políticos de diversas tendências usam para dividir os/as trabalhadores/as, escondendo a verdadeira razão por trás da piora de sua condição. É dever de uma organização internacional de trabalhadoras/es revolucionárias/os internacionalistas, como a AIT, promover a solidariedade entre todos/as os/as trabalhadores/as, ‘nacionais’ ou não.

Particularmente na ‘fortaleza Europa’, onde a maioria das seções da AIT estão localizadas, os problemas da xenofobia, do racismo, do fechamento das fronteiras a trabalhadoras/as estrangeiras/os – enquanto elas estão abertas ao Capital –, deportações, a criação de uma classe de trabalhadores/as ilegais e de segunda classe, e o aprisionamento de imigrantes e refugiadas/os em centros de detenção estão muito presentes.

Friday, April 1, 2011

First victory against OTTO Workforce

After our protest at the main office of OTTO Workforce in Venray on Monday March 21st the initial results are in. During this action 20 people got arrested, which caused a local disturbance and received a lot of media attention. Because of this protest, OTTO director Frank van Gool, was forced to give in to some of the demands of the company’s ex-workers.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Processo do SEF do Porto contra activistas sociais termina com absolvições

Após um longo processo de mais de quatro anos, foram absolvidos em Outubro de 201o os quatro activistas sociais do Porto acusados de difamação pelo Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras (SEF). O caso remonta a 2006, quando se gerou um grande movimento de denúncia e indignação que atribuiu ao SEF a responsabilidade moral pela morte de Ahmed Hussein, trabalhador paquistanês que se suicidou após ter visto a sua autorização de residência em Portugal ser recusada.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Com o nosso sangue acumulam fortunas!

À memória de Carlos dos Santos - trabalhador morto na construção de um El Corte Inglés em Jaén - Espanha

Os companheiros do Sindicato de Ofícios Vários da CNT de Jaén (Espanha), realizaram hoje uma homenagem ao trabalhador português Carlos dos Santos, de 52 anos, que com outros portugueses trabalhava nas obras de construção do El Corte Inglés na cidade de Jaén e morreu na sequência de uma queda de dez metros de altura, depois de terem cedido os pilares que suportavam a plataforma onde se encontrava. Após vários dias no hospital, não resistiu aos traumatismos e faleceu a 21 de Março de 2007.

Problems with the Otto Temp Agency

Over the last few years, there have been tons of complaints about the practices of the Otto Workforce temp agency, in particular from Poles being sent to work abroad in Holland. It has found itself on at least one internet blacklist as an agency which cheats workers. Some people who work there or worked there in the past, have contacted AGA and ZSP about various problems, asking what they can do. At the very least, they ask us to warn people and inform them of their rightsand what can be done if they are cheated.

From various letters, complaints on our internet forum and personal conversations, we present a preliminary list of the most typical problems. We are speaking to more people and are hoping to be able to present more facts soon. An information campaign aimed at potential and current workers should also start soon.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Porto: SEF não prova acusação a activistas

artigo retirado de:

AACILUS; CNLI; ESSALAM – Associação de Imigrantes Magrebinos e de Amizade Luso – Árabe; Espaço MUSAS; SOS Racismo; TERRA VIVA!/Terra Vivente AES foram as seis associações que subscreveram o comunicado de Imprensa que em Junho de 2006 atribuía responsabilidade moral aos serviços do Porto do SEF (Serviço de Estrangeiros e Fronteiras) pelo suicídio do imigrante paquistanês Ahmed Hussein. Na sequência dessas notícias (1 e 2), o SEF processou quatro dessas associações AACILUS; ESSALAM; Espaço MUSAS; e TERRA VIVA. Em julgamento estiveram representantes destas quatro associações. De fora ficaram, por razões que ficam por explicar, SOS Racismo e CNLI.